Our Missions Outreach...
Brentwood Baptist Church supports the following missionaries and organizations financially and through our prayers:
- Aristide, Killick and Nehemie: Haiti
- www.thearistides.org
- Email this missionary: karistide.baptistworldmission.org
- www.thearistides.org
- Beck, Dustin and Melissa: Butte, Montana
- www.GraceBaptistButte.com
- Email this missionary: [email protected]
- www.GraceBaptistButte.com
- Berdine, Daniel and Janet: Nicaragua
- Email this missionary: [email protected]
- Bloyd, Keith & Linda: Italy
- http://www.webalice.it/kieth.bloyd/index.html
- Email this missionary: [email protected]
- http://www.webalice.it/kieth.bloyd/index.html
- Buker, Dwayne and Rachel: Spain
- Email this missionary: [email protected]
- Dwire, Dan and Amie: Uganda
- http://www.tellafrica.com
- Email this missionary: [email protected]
- Marzouks, Ishac and Rania:
- Email this missionary: [email protected]
- Potter, Dr. David and Jean: Hungary
- www.hungaryhearts.com
- Email this missionary: [email protected]
- Steinbart, Nathanael and Linette: Kenya
- Email this missionary: [email protected]
- Vergiels, Chris and Darcy: Brazil
- Email this missionary: [email protected]
- Camp Joy: Whitewater, WI
- http://www.campjoy.org/
- Email Camp Joy: [email protected]
- http://www.campjoy.org/