Welcome to Brentwood Baptist Church
Livestream Service
Looking for a good church family can be hard today. Here is a summary of who we are so that you can decide whether Brentwood Baptist is right for you.
Friendly People
Brentwood is a congregation of about 130 friendly people, many from different countries and ethnic groups. Our Sunday morning coffee times and Sunday evening after church fellowships provide opportunities to meet and fellowship with others.
A Sunday Evening Service
While many churches have disbanded the Sunday Evening service, Brentwood still believes it is important to meet Sunday evenings for good singing, testimonies and preaching of the Word of God.
A Prayer Meeting
While many good churches emphasize preaching or Bible study in their mid-week service, Brentwood chooses to emphasize prayer. The majority of the time is set aside for sharing prayer requests and blessings, and for praying. Small groups meet together so that all who wish can join in prayer for the needs of others. This has proven to be a real source of spiritual growth and strength.
Biblical Separation
Brentwood is an independent Baptist church upholding the Biblical principles of separation from compromise and the world. We do not have any involvement in ministries or movements involving liberalism or worldly methodology.
A Biblical Emphasis

Brentwood has always maintained a strong ministry of teaching and preaching the inspired Word of God. It is our desire to make the Bible clear and apply it to the needs of daily lives. The King James Version is used in our services, as well as in our church and academy classes.
Christian Education
We believe that it is important to train young people in a Christian philosophy of life that emphasizes Christian character. Academic excellence based on a biblical foundation of truth is key. Programs are provided for infants and toddlers, pre-schoolers, kindergarten, lower elementary, and summer day camp for kindergarten and elementary age children. Good standards of dress and conduct are maintained.
Manor for Seniors
The church owns and operates a small 25 unit apartment building for senior citizens who want independent living in a Christian atmosphere.
Church History
Pastor James Hines and his wife Marilyn moved to Des Plaines in 1963 and started Brentwood Baptist Church with the encouragement of the Ashburn Baptist Church of Chicago. Within a few years the church had organized, purchased land on Dempster Street, and erected a building. In 1975 the building was expanded. In 1979 the church purchased a public school building and started a Christian school. In 1987 the church purchased another school building in Elk Grove and rehabbed it into an apartment building for senior citizens. About 1994 the church combined all of its operations in the academy building where they presently hold services.